Building A New Home or House in Lagos?
If you are about to build a new house or home, this is for you. Getting a home constructed on your own is a task that can only be accomplished when well-planned and executed with an architect especially in Lagos with all the daily hustle. Here are some points you must consider :
1. Fix a budget
A set budget should be a part of the list of your goals. Fix a budget and divide it into details including the cost of construction, material, levies, furniture and even interior finishes. It is advisable to use a excel sheet as a tool to keep a track of your budget and expenses throughout your project. Free budget Guide
2. Assemble a team
For building your home, you will need inputs from experts and professionals. List and chose the right professionals that fit your requirements as well as your budget. You need an Architect, Structural Engineer, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Cost Planner / Quantity Surveyor. The Architect is the professional that takes lead of Design and building team and cordinates the supervision of the construction works. Compliance with design and material specification on site is key.
3. Set goals
The goals would include the size of the home, layout, design & interiors, among others. Keep in mind every necessary aspect and work towards setting achievable goals.
Micro Apartments are the Next Big Thing
7 Ways to Stick to Your New Build Budget
4. Conceptualising with scrap books
It’s necessary to have a scrap books that captures all you need in your dream project. Once built it’s built. Free samplesof scrap book are available for download.
5. Compliance with Statutory Codes
Building and construction works in every location is guided by Statutory code. The architect ensures compliance with these codes in his design. Remember to ask your architect to give you details of some of the codes that needs to be codes with.
Depending on the nature of the project you may be required to conduct soil tests – sub soil investigation tests. You need to ensure these tests are conducted by competent specialist.
6. Always ask your Architect to clarify every aspect of the project you may not be conversant with including but is not limited to the following;
Planning Approvals
Design fees,
costs, budgets,
project phasing,
selecting builders,
project program and timing,
quality control,
fire safety,
green building and LEED Compliance,
Building Compliance and Tests
Construction Methods
Project Contracts..
Cost Savings Tips For Renovation & New Home Projects
5 Smart Ways to Reduce the Cost of your Building Project
Are you ready to build your new home or house ?
Click to book Home Project Audit & Roadmap Service. Wishing You Success on your project !!!!
