Help…My House is Toxic !!!
Creating Healthy Living Environment
Your living environment can keep you healthy and refreshed or sick. It’s an aspect of our daily existence that needs not be neglected. Poor air ventilation in an office building, Water leaks in an apartment, or high mold count in the air of a city can create a Toxic Environment that can really be very harmful to our health.
Dampness in the environment can also be a serious health hazard. A dusty living environment is also an incubator for yeast and parasite.
According to Dr. Juliet Tien (Dr. J) some symptoms of Toxic Environment may include the following;
- Head: Foggy mind, poor concentration, sinus congestion, headaches, sore throats, mid-ear infections, depression, or lethargy.
- Lungs: Asthma, bronchitis, persistent coughing, or mucous.
- Digestive Tract: Heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, stomach pain, or poor absorption of nutrients.
- Extremities: Bursitis, arthritis-like aches and pains, fibromyalgia, poor circulation, cellulite, fungal nails, or athlete’s foot. Skin: Acne, skin rash, psoriasis, or eczema.
- Endocrine System: hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), Pre-menstrual Syndromes (PMS), hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, or weight loss (it’s not necessarily a lucky case!).
- Reproductive System: loss of libido (no sexual desire), infertility, endometrioss, or prostatitis.
- Elimination System: constipation, diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, hemorrhoids, itchy anus, or bladder infections.
Some Space Boosters
- We cannot keep harming ourselves. Here are some recommendations to reduce exposure to toxic effects of some physical environment.
- Keep your spaces clean and dry to avoid the overgrowth of mold. If necessary, move to a cleaner and dryer home.
- Chemicals in your carpet can make you sick, you might want to live in a home with hardwood floors that are easier to keep clean and dry.
- Ensure the air ventilation is good in the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen areas.
- Avoid clutter. Routinely clean up your desk and the corners of your home.
- Recycle or dispose unused newspapers, magazines, old books, and old mail; they collect dust and incubate yeast.
More importantly, you need to clean your internal, emotional environment. Releasing anger, resentment, fear, regret, or guilt will set you free. When you feel free emotionally, your sensitivity to your external environment will be minimized.
If embarking on a new project ensure the spaces are designed by your architect for ease of ventilation and ample lighting.
- You may consider some simple renovation to boost the existing ambiance and internal conditions of the existing spaces.
- Each Month or possibly four times in a year you may consider some interior space upgrade to your home and office. Change a few furniture and even some wall paint to create some excitement that will keep you boosted.
You may want to seek professional help!!!
Have a greet week….
– iMarcPro Architects.
“Passionate about environmental sustainability”